We visited the newly renovated shrine of the ancient place of the immigrated sri Vaishnava community from the onslaught of the muslim army, were they have restarted the worship of Rangantha in the year 1325 AD. If they had built right away a huge visible temple for Him we doubt it, as the muslim invaders were still around, even it is only 12 km away from srirangam hidden in the fields of rice paddy and watercanals from the kaveri. Most likely the temple was built later after the danger was over. In Koil Olugu, the history book of Sri Rangam temple, Gopurapatti is mentioned were the rest of the surviours from Sri Rangam Ksetra had escaped and lived peacefully for about 35 years. Only in the year of 1371 AD. Lord Ranganathas Temple was reopened and Namperumal (the ustava deity) which had been taken by the sri vaishnava acarya Pillailokacharya him self and escaped to jyothishkudi inside the forest near Madurai and later moved Him to Tirupathi, had come back to his original abode. After all the descendants from the leftover priest community moved back to Sri Rangam, Gopurapatti became more lonely and lost after some decades his importance and dilapidated in do course of time.
Only recently the Bhattar family of Sri Rangam had made this place aware to us, and started to do rebuliding the temple. Now this temple is showing is super natural beauty again and the Murthy is wonderfully taken care, by one arcaka who is affiliated with iskcon. He likes that Devotees visit this temple and we only can say it is a wonderful expierence!
Please come to Gopurapatti and relax and enjoy the spiritual atmosphere of Lord Ranganathas secret place!
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