As i new from my visits last 15 years ago, if you come very early before sunrise, you will have a very extraordinary Darshan of Lord Jwala Narasimha, as the Sun comes straight into the cave on sunrise. So we came early this time, but i was shocked first to see that the gate was locked. But it was just a broken lock, to be hang in, so we could enter inside the cave. But then i saw they have built the roof along the whole Mandapa, and when the early morning sun came, and suppose to touch the Lord Vigraha Body, it was prevented by the plastic roof... How disappointing that was. But still Lord Narasimha is standing on his spot as it where for many of hundred of years. There are 2 forms here inside the cave. Jwala Ugra Narasimha in his Samhara form with 16 hands in the middle. Right from his side is Stambha Narasimha (coming out from the pillar) and from his left side you see Vira Narasimha (fighting with the Demon). There were also two other deities, but there are not there anymore (one Varadaraja and one Rishi i guess...). May that was the cause why they have built everywhere fenses to protect this shrines. From the back of the cave and source of the Bhavanasini River. So all Deities get sprinkled by Mother Bavanasini and becomes only after touching Jwala Narasimha a river below the mountain.
I had my small Lakshmi Narasimha deity with me, and one Narasimha Saligrama, and we did some puja here, while nobody was there. We offered camphor, some fruits and incense, did some chanting of Narasimha Dvadasanama stotra and Mantrarajpadastotram along with Purusa Sukta and Manyu sukta (Narasimha sukta from from the Rg Veda!).
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