Pavana Narasimha Swamy is the farthest temple from Upper Ahobilam, around 8 km trough jungle. I would suggest to get a guide if you have not been there before. We could travel alone, because we knew the way, and also from time to time some sign is coming and guiding you. After a very steep staircase of around 660 steps, you reach the plateau and from then on it is more easy. But before is quite tuff to walk. Best is also leave early morning.
Sri Pavana Narasimha Swamy has a lot of stories in connection with this ancient shrine, and it is said that it was here where Sri Adi Shankara was reciting (or creating) the Narasimha Karavalamba Stotra for his protection against the Kapalika tantric, who wanted to offer him for his Kali. It is said that it was here where one of the Shankaracarya tradition (most probably not the first one, Adi Shankara) later on did his commentary to the Narasimha Tapani Upanishad. We had the blessing to make some mystic picture of the Pavana Narasimha Deity.
On certain days it is here that the tribes of the forest come together and offer animals to the Lord outside of the temple compound. A very ancient and not very sattvic procedure indeed!
Above in the forest (maybe 5 minutes walk) you can find another cave, where Chenchu (bhu devi) is worshipped by the tribes.
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