Dienstag, Juli 17, 2007

Hrishikesh Temple on the Gandaki river in Nepal

one of the ancient spots is this self manifested Deity on the bank of the River Gandaki. Here in the lower range of the himalayas, there are few spots of Lord Vishnu worship, and this one is not very well known.
The deity revealed his place trough a dream of a ancient rishi, and was digged out by a king of the old newar tradition. The temple was re built 1700 AD. and from that time onwards the pujas are maintained.
It takes 5 hours by car from the border of india/ nepal (Sonali/Bhutwal) by taxi and is a very exiting trip up to a altitude of 1500 meters over sea level.
It is a very peaceful village and only on certain days pilgrims visit this holy Ksetra.
Ridhi bazaar is even very difficult to find on maps, and one can only make out the spot one follows the Gandaki from upper mustang down close to india and where it makes a very U turn, there one can guess Ridhi Bazaar. It is near to Tansen the next hillstation in that area.

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