Dienstag, August 14, 2007

Ghyumathanti to Varse Khola (4755m) part 1

early morning i hear again some sound around our tent like if my hamster talks to me, but more like in a high pitch... many voices and i open my tent and who is there? A big family of groundhogs running and looking at me in the same time... Hidding in their holes, to see whats up with us. Who is camping here??? My head is still nocking, and i start right away with the morning pujas. The groundhogs look from some distance with curiosity. Their talking sounds like "what are these strangers doing here", observing our tents and horses.
The sun comes slowly over the mountains, and the view is spectacular!" Yes im here close to Damodar Kunda, my dream for nearly 8 years to come here becomes manifest" - well the mind says something different - scarry stories he is telling!!
Anyway i decided that we will ride the two horses, instead of walking, Cira is still half dead and sleeping, so better get the horse if we want to come to Damodar Kund.
I have to wake up Cira and we leave after a cool herbal tea for the first of the two Pass we have to take today. The police officer in Kagbeni told us that the Pass is around 5900 meters high, our Horse guide says something different. So it will be a surprise, as we have our Barometer with us the check!
Ridding a Mustang is something really cool, if they dont have always GAS to pass... man!!! Anyway they are vegetarians... just grass pupp.
The way up is really steep and goes over many big rocks, actually the whole area is just sand and rocks. And i found one Sudarshana Salagrama as well. Finally we have to come down, and walk over a ice glacier, while the horses have to walk a different way. So that riverbed ends here... But Damodar Kunda is still 7 to 9 hours away? Looks like the whole area is Salagrama Ksetra!

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