It is said that when Lord Narasimhadeva, a incarnation of the supreme Lord Vishnu, did not calm down after the slaying of the demon Hiranyakshipu, many great sages were praying for his peaceful form. Even Lord Shiva was asked to appear in his special form as Sharabha (a bird like creature who devours lions and elephants) to cool down Lord Narasimha. However, when Sharabha approached Lord Narasimha, he became even more ferocious and revealed His special form as Asta Muhka Ganda Berundha Narasimha, having 8 heads. Garuda (eagleface; giving health and counteracting poisons), Varahadeva (a boarface; spelling off black magic), Hanuman (monkeyface; protecting from evil forces, and returning lost objects), Baluka (bearface; protectig in darkness and giving opulence), Hayagriva (horseface; giving wishom and lifeforce), Vyagra (tigerface, giving protection in battle and liberating from all kind of diseases, evil spirits and demons), Gandaberundha (two faces of a special bird like phoenix, giving peace of mind) and Lord Narasimha himself (Lionface; giving liberation and devotional service to the Supreme).
The Sharabha Form of Shiva was then torn apart in a hundert pieces, and only Laxmidevi in her secret tantric form as Sri Narasimhi was able to bring Lord Narasimha back to His shanti Rupa, peacefully reclining in company with Laxmi devi on Anantashesha. I have brought out one CD by Sudarshana Narasimha Murthy chanting these special mantras for Lord Narasimha few years ago, and you can get it under my webpage. It cures bad dreams if you play it at night and you get rid of ghosts.
Often i will get questions in this regard, especially about Sri Pratyangira (Nrsimhi) of the 9 Mothers in Sri Vidya worship. She is worshipped for casting off evil spirits and black magic, and often misunderstood and misinterpreted. Even some people worship her for Marana (killing enemies) etc. The same people also used Narasimha worship for such evil acts. But both are the sublime and divine Couple who can liberate one from Samsara and give one the best spiritual activity, serving them! Forget about these cruel thoughts and worship the Lord with divine splendor! Jaya Jaya Sri Nrsimha!
I have included one ancient wallpaintings showing Gandha Berunda Narasimha, and Pratyangira (Sri Narasimhi) in thanjavur style. There is also a tibetan painting showing Nrsimhi. In tibetan tantric worship you will find Sri Nrsimhi (Simha Mukha devi), one who prevents unfit people to enter inside the inner circle of Kailash mountain, and bless the pilgrims who surrender to her with divine wisdom. She is also worshipped to nulifiy negativity in all circumstances.
5 Kommentare:
Narasimhi or popularly known as Pratyangira Bhagavathi is a form of Adhi Shakti the Primordial energy Lalitha her self.. She is the combined form of Shiva & Shakthi & she sprung from the wings of Lord Sharabesha... not as you have mentioned a form of Bhagavati Lakshmi ! Please edit your post ! Its a sicere request !
||Jai Lalitha ||
this is a explanation from the shaivite/devi view, but i guess if one comprehend competition between the different worshippers of the Supreme, only the truth can stand. Lord Narasimha is not influenced by maya, as He is the Supreme Himself, therefore stories like Shiva coming to subdue the anger of Him, is from the beginning fake.
The second illustration isn't Narasimhi but definitely a representation of Senge Dong Ma (aka Simhamukha), a meditational daikini.
yes cheerful madness, you are right, that this thangka painting shows the lionface dakini "Simhamukha". But it is very close connected with the same deity of shakta cult, as she has similar duties to fulfill. Buddhism and hinduism have similar deities with different names and purposes due to the overlap of tantric practises in both traditions.
Thank you for the additional information in your answer. I had overlooked the overlapping occurring in both Buddhism and Hinduism.
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