Instead of sitting at home with my polski friends in Walbrzych we decided to visit one of the biggest underground tunnelsystem from the old Nazi regime, built by russian and polish military prisoners and concentration camp jews (around 28000 people did work under a very hard circumstance, and many many died here). It was under the sway of the SS division "Todt" and it had is secret name "Riese". It holds a terrain of completed 213.000 m3 underground Tunnels and 58 km roads inside and around the area, and another unfinnished area ca. 100 000 m3!!! Unkown to the historians for what reason Hilter ordered to built such huge tunnelsystem they speculate that it was used for building special rakets (V2 and the new weapons using electronish devices)and labors for ABC weapons. In Feb. 1945 Russian army has taken over this terrain and confiscated everything for their own use. After it became a forbitten area up to 1990, and only reopen the area 1990 when polish goverment took it back and established one museum here. Strange atmosphere inside the tunnels, huge rooms, long ways to walk inside and cold like anything ... the real livin dead
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