(the remains of sri prahladpuri, the ancient city of Narasimha worship in the state of nowadays pakistan by the city name "Multan")
The babri mosque had be abadoned 65 years prior to the demolition in the year 1992 and under Islamic law the building ceased being a mosque in such circumstance.
But a few days later, after the demolition of the mosque, CNN reported that the highest ranking Imam in the Islamic world from Saudi Arabia said that the Babri Mosque was the second most important mosque in the Islamic world and all Muslims should be outraged!!!
The violence what broke out after the demolition killed many more hindus in the streets of india, and some of the last standing temples of history in Pakistan (some speak of more then 100 temples and shrines in P.) were erased from the ground. Commentators may express excuses and blind slogans over this, but fact is there will be no harmony as the Koran delcares it by its own words "Those who reject (Truth), among the People of the Book and among the Polytheists, will be in Hell-Fire, to dwell therein (for aye). They are the worst of creatures." (Surah 98 - Al Bayyinah THE CLEAR EVIDENCE)
welcome to the stupid world of education as "islam is a religon of peace" and part of western culture, as recently the prime minister Mr.Wulff of Germany proclaimed. Good night my sleeply europe, as the moon of islam has risen above our heads to proclaim to be part of our life. Even we dont want it!!!
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