Dienstag, August 21, 2007

Damodar Kunda (4700m) day two part 2

Then we start again to walk around and look for Salagrama Silas, look where the river ends below our valley and feel the Tibet plateau behind the Ice glaciers. Our guide tells us that the very ice mountain in front of us are Brighukutachala (see pic, 7000 meters high, brigkuti* in tibetan language). It is this very same mountain where Parvathi met with the Rishi Brighu and get directed to Damodar Kund to get the vision of Lord Vishnu. He looks so marvelous and very divine...
We find a ancient place of worship not far from the kund, with one old deity of Lakshmi Narayana and few big Salagrama silas lying around them. Pots from pujas, old kusagrass and one big Trident (shivas weapon) are also gathered around here. I put the Deity standing and place the Biggest shila around them (see pic).
Then we watch the mountains, and we are told by our guide, that all the mountains represent the divine messenger Padmasambhava, who has also come here. The ice mountain peaks looking like a big Crown and representing Lord Vishnus helmet. The buddhist Chörten on the other side of the Lake tells us the unity of places of worship generally known here in Nepal, and gives a peaceful hope for all religions on this whole world.

We have to pack our things as the horses dont find anything to eat here, 3 porters are also not very well and we decided to go back to Yara and have one day peace break. So we gather together and make a union pic of our group, 7 nepalis and 2 germans/swiss.

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